Three excuses not to entertain- and how to conquer them.

Three excuses not to entertain- and how to conquer them.

My hostessing skills are rusty, and I've got to get back in the saddle. I bet you recognize the 3 excuses I've been making- and now not taking anymore.  So welcome to my conversation…with me. 

·       The house is a mess.

Perfect! Inviting people over is the perfect way to get inspired to pick up.  The trick is to put on a little music, and start with the clutter that most draws the eye. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just not embarrassing.

·      A party is so much work.

A party is as much work as you make it.  My famous quote:

“Entertaining is easy. Order takeout and be entertaining.”  You don’t have to DIY elaborate decorations and complicated refreshments.  Make it easy, and it will be easy. 

·      We’re so happy just the two of us.

Yes. And you want to keep it that way, right? To stay happy, you need to cultivate friends! Whether that’s with a dessert party for 10 or just dinner with another couple, socializing with other people is healthy- and important to a marriage. 

OK! I’ve talked myself into a party! Are you ready to entertain? Let’s get to it!

Party on…


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